Course Code
Course Title

Advanced Cryptography


Private-key cryptosystems; Advanced Encryption Standard (AES); Overview of modular arithmetic, discrete logarithms, and primality/factoring; Public-key cryptosystems; ElGamal cryptosystem, Basic signature schemes; Algebra and number theory; Discrete logarithm based cryptosystems and signatures: Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem (ECC), Digital Signature Standard (DSS), Selection of other signature schemes, Overview of discrete logarithm algorithms, Ethical aspects of public-key cryptosystems and signatures. Hashing, emerging SHA-3 standard. Interactive protocols; Touch of complexity theory, Interactive proof systems; 0-knowledge proof systems,0-knowledge authentication, Electronic cash; Chaum and Brands schemes, Private information retrieval; selected topics in quantum computing.


For the practical component of this course the student should use GPG, OpenSSL to demonstrate symmetric and asymmetric encryption/decryption and MD5, SHA-1 to demonstrate hash functions. Study forms of attack (Dictionary attack, Brute force attack). Understand CrypTool, implement the algorithms for DES, RSA, MD5, SHA-1. Use Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to protect volumes, Use Cipher Block Chaining to generate a MIC (Message integrity code), Database Encryptions, wireless security standards (WEP, WPA, WPA2), Using hashes to identify malware. 

Tools Needed: Virtual Machine (Kali), CrypTool.