Programme Code
Programme Title
Aim and Objectives
  1. To provide graduates with solid foundation in Cyber Security Science.
  2. To provide and promote sound practical and theoretical training in cyber security hardware, software, and application areas, that will make our graduates useful in both private and public sectors of the economy.
  3. To develop the students for the purpose of self-employment
  4. To promote the career opportunities offered by Cyber Security Science and to meet with the ongoing needs of the industry.
Entry Requirements

The Ph.D. degree programme is an intensive research work, whose aim is for the student to, at the end of the programme, make original contribution to existing knowledge. Ph.D. students are to take 18 units’ core courses in their first year of study. The pass mark for all examinable courses is 50% and in any semester in which the CGPA falls below 3.00, the student will be advised to withdraw from the programme.

Duration of Programs

The Programme minimum duration is 6 semesters and maximum of 12 semesters.

Graduation Requirements
  1. The student must earn a minimum of 32 credit units including thesis  
  2. The student must present three seminars before the final defence
  3. The student is expected to publish at least in a reputable peer reviewed conference proceedings and journal

GST807 is required for students who have not enrolled in Distance Learning before