Programme Code
Aim and Objectives

The PhD. Artificial Intelligence programme with specialization in Natural Language Processing, Intelligent systems and robotics is aimed at students that are passionate about the potential for AI to transform science, society or industry. We expect graduates from the programme to be world leaders in creating new AI technologies, with roles as research leaders in industry or academia, or as AI entrepreneurs shaping the new economy in Africa and the world at large.

The aim of the program is to cultivate individuals with a higher insight to computing and creativity to actualize solutions that will contribute to the society. 

Our goal is to train candidates to become innovation and research leaders in responsible, data-driven and knowledge-intensive AI systems with the following objectives:

  • To acquire an advanced technique of Artificial Intelligence that will aid in designing a constructive solution to complex real-world problems.
  • To produce qualified researchers and technical developers in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
  • To prepare students with the knowledge to disseminate research materials through peer-reviewed scientific publications both local and international. 
  • To equip students with the ability to lead research teams in various disciplines of Artificial Intelligence.
Entry Requirements

Candidates for Ph.D. admission must satisfy the following conditions:

  • Candidates must have five credit passes including English, Mathematics and two other relevant science subjects at ‘O’ Level.
  • Candidates with Bachelor’s degree from an approved university must obtain a minimum of second class lower division with a CGPA of 3.5/5.0. 
  • Candidates must have Academic Master’s degree in relevant areas with a CGPA of 3.5/5.0 and thesis score not lower than 60% (B). Ideally, a Master’s degree in Machine Learning or a closely related topic.
  • All applicants are expected to be competent with programming and have a strong mathematical background.
  • Students should first contact a potential supervisor from the list of facilitators, their interest and ask whether they would be potentially willing to supervise a project. 

Holders of equivalent qualification/experience specified for the course recognized by the Senate may be considered for admission

Duration of Programs

The Programme minimum duration is 6 semesters and maximum of 12 semesters.

Graduation Requirements
  1. The student must earn a minimum of 30 credit units including thesis  
  2. The student must present three seminars before the final defence
  3. The student is expected to publish at least in a reputable peer reviewed conference proceedings and journal 

Students are required to take one elective for the first semester

Students are required to take one elective in the second semester

Total Core (7+7+12=26)    Total Elective (2+2=4) 
Students who have not taken the SCI course at MSc must take all SCI courses. This may increase the total credit load.


  1. SCI803 and SCI804 are required courses for student who have not taken them at the Master’s level
  2. GST907 is compulsory for students who have not studied under ODL

All students of the PhD. Artificial Intelligence programme are required to obtain a minimum of 30 credit units